
Every move is a risk. Our industry experts will help make your next move a strategic one, by replacing doubt with confidence and ambiguity with insight. The Five Elements are pivotal stages of product development and are fundamental to bringing an original idea for a beverage product to life. Our industry professionals will meet you where you are, no matter what stage of the process you are in. We can help you take that next step.


We prepare a strong plan of action for your vision. A detailed road map outlines every important avenue relevant to launching your product. We identify your product’s target consumer and where your new beverage fits within the market environment. We identify your competitors and determine how your product will most effectively be distributed. Understanding these criteria fully will prevent you from moving your product forward with eyes closed, giving you an advantage over those who are.


The path to bringing your product to market involves a variety of considerations and methods.

Market Segmentation

It is important to recognize your potential lead consumer. This can depend on a multitude of variables such as demographics or location. Without knowing who will generate the highest demand for your product you risk streamlining your marketing efforts on the wrong target and therefore, you risk potential profits. We make sure your efforts are focused on the consumers who will drive your product. Generating high demand from an initial target segment is effective for acquiring new demand. A new target customer base demanding your product due to successful strategic targeting initially, is an efficient way of boosting profits while minimizing the costs of marketing- marketing that is usually needed initially to create buzz for a new product.

Segment Penetration

The target customer is everything to the success of your product. But if your product is outside of their reach, then you sacrifice its potential success. We make sure that your product is sold in the right segment so that it ends up in the right hands. When we know where your product meets high demand, we can further cultivate and enhance your efforts. Marketing to the right target segment will foster greater demand. Successfully penetrating a market segment leads to more opportunities for product expansion and therefore, profit.

Supply Chain Penetration

There is no end to success. There is growth and expansion. But for growth and expansion to be most profitable, a few things must work together and be sustained in the long run. We will assist you in optimizing your product supply to reach the target segment in the most profitable way. The peak of harmony between product supply and target demand is defined by your maximum net profit.

In successfully aligning with several target segments, we can work to further your product’s growth and expansion by continuing to create higher demand and maintaining the optimization of product supply to maximize and sustain net profits.

It is not possible to productively manage each strategic step in product development alone. To sustain a successful relationship between product supply and target demand takes a team.


We have a combined twenty years of navigating international importing and exporting for companies as well as our own proprietary products. We have the resources to manage international relationships and valuable partnerships. Partnering with the right people can magnify your product’s success. We are experts who will assist you directly in every step of the way through the process. The value of knowing the right people and having the right contacts and agreements is immeasurable. We can assist you in navigating the importing and exporting of your product and will help you cross in-country and out-of-country regulations.


There are identifiable factors that could be costing you unnecessary expenses through how you are developing your product. Considerable factors in distribution, packaging or transportation of your product are easily missed unless you have enough experience within the industry or a well-rounded source of information to which you can easily make comparisons between all option. We can implement these comparisons and streamline marketing efforts, ineffective to your product’s growth, costing you money and time.

Pinpointing the areas of your manufacturing and marketing efforts that are ineffective or costly to the growth of your product is getting closer to the harmonious relationship between product and consumer demand, that is integral to achieving the highest profits for your business.